Do you struggle to keep your calm before giving a presentation or getting on stage?  

Then get this guide to learn the secrets that help you not just speaking but living with serenity and calm, to not just presenting, but becoming the embodiment of peace and poise.

With this guide, you will learn: 

3 Tips to keep your Calm

Get your Speaker’s Guide to Serenity

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Hi, I'm Steffi Seefeld

I teach successful leaders who struggle with the uncertainty and stress that leadership brings, how to deprogram old patterns & and self-limiting habits, and how to reprogram new ones that help them be energized and excited to create a life they actually love.

Over the last decade, I have found my zone of genius in guiding leaders to become the masters of their inner world, which is the greatest leadership skill of all. 

 As a speaker and leader, your role is to captivate, to inspire, and to lead through words and with your presence.

I genuinely hope this helps you on your journey to mastery with every breath, every word, and every moment of change.



"I've always felt overwhelmed. With these practices I began feeling so powerful. I realized that I can choose to change. Thank you, Steffi."

- Friederike Riemer, Speaker at FridaFutura and Co-Founder at The FutureGame2050


"Steffi has continuously demonstrated exceptional skills for creating a safe yet challenging environment where participants can engage in deep self-reflection, identify limiting beliefs, release emotional blocks, and adopt empowering new mindsets. Through her compassionate and direct coaching style, Steffi empowers you to push past comfort zones to achieve meaningful growth and change."

- Tyler Kelley, Founder at SLAM! Agency


"Steffi helps leaders lead better and with compassion. Her incredible combination of strategy & emotional intelligence put her a level beyond just a great coach.” 

- Megan Rene, VP at Workboard 

Get Your Free Guide 

With these 3 tips you will master the state of serenity on stage, as well as in all moments in life where it helps to keep your calm while speaking your truth.